
Bayou Wild TV Show Recipes Recipes

Don Dubuc, Martha Spencer with Chef Folse

We want to share with you some of the great recipes that we have prepared for on our show. So gather up your recent catch or harvest and enjoy these wonderful and tasty recipes! You can always go back and watch our past episodes to see exactly how we cooked them on the show. Bon Appetite!

Mourning doves, ducks, geese, woodcock, rails, snipe, coots or gallinules recipes from seasoned cooks and avid hunters.

These high flying birds are tough hunting for even the most season hunter, so when you bag a few, you want to make sure you get great flavor.

These birds are flavorful! Cooks love the variety of ways you can prepare them during the season.

Rabbit, squirrel, nutria and other small game may be smaller in size, but they are tasty.

These animals provide lots of different meat, so a variety of cooking methods is essential.

 Frying is the norm, but there is so much more you can do with freshwater fare!

No matter whether they swim or crawl in the ocean, we found a variety of different ways to prepare them.

Stranger things have come from the marshes and bayous of Louisiana. Many you never thought were edible.
